Contents: 1. Core S-AllureDR the core mod itself, default replacement of the nude mesh top for females. allows the mesh to appear in CAS. S-AllureAcc an accessory version of the mesh. Required for Body Selector. Found under Top / Swimsuits. S-AllureSD_NippleBlush nipple blushes for your sims, to give them proper pink nipples. Occupies Acne. S-AllureSD_SNipples five nipple textures, in three opacities each. Occupies Forehead Crease [FHC] / Mole, Left Cheek [MLC]. S-AllureSD_wgNipples wild_guy's nipple details, modified to be 100% compatible with Allure. Occupies Forehead Crease [FHC] / Mole, Left Cheek [MLC]. 2. Extras S-AllureSD_CleavageOverlays cleavage skin details, 3 swatches. Occupies Mole, Right Lip. S-AllureNP [assorted files] nipple piercings made for Allure. 3 designs, Bar, Heart & Ring, in Rose, Silver, Gold & Black. Found under Head Accessories. 3. Overrides S-AllureOR: Halter Bikini Bandeau Bikini Lace Scalloped Bra Valentine Bralette Underwear Sexy, Top / EA default bra Sports Bra Corset Lingerie Swimsuit, One Piece Short Tank Tight Tank, Tucked default replacements for the listed in-game items to use Allure’s shaping (no nipples). Notes: DR - Default Replacement Acc - Accessory SD - Skin Detail NP - Nipple Piercing OR - Override What do the funny letters at the end of the SD packages mean? They're which skin detail slot they occupy.