ПОХИЩЕНИЯ И РАБСТВО У вас появится возможность похищать персонажей и держать их в заложниках у себя дома. Можно будет отдавать рабам какие угодно приказы и они вынуждены будут их исполнять. Когда вы загружаете игру или уходите, то по возвращении на свой домашний участок заложники все равно будут там, где вы их и оставили А еще заложников также можно освободить и спасти, так что поторопитесь, ведь не понятно что похититель с ними делает, может даже использует для своих низменных желаний. Однако учтите, что рабы имеют повышенную автономию удовлетворения потребностей, а также действий по дому: - уход за садом; - уборка; - ремонт сломанных предметов. Также вы можете полностью распоряжаться багажом своего раба. Похититель сможет планировать задачи для своего раба, назначая их на ежедневной основе в любое время суток. И конечно раб должен учиться послушанию, иначе не ровен час он просто сбежит или будет пакостить своему хозяину. Рабы с высоким послушанием могут дисциплинировать, обучать и наставлять других рабов автономно, они также продаются гораздо большую сумму денег. Поэтому как следует дисциплинируйте и тренируйте рабов, чтобы повысить их послушание.
НЕВОЛЬНИЧИЙ АУКЦИОН И ПРОДАЖА РАБОВ Теперь вы сможете выставить раба на продажу, а затем сделать предложение НПС купить вашего раба. Ну и конечно же работорговец сможет просмотреть профиль покупателя, в котором будет значиться какие типы рабов тот предпочитает и ищет. От этого будет зависеть цена оплаты, а также шанс покупки раба. Проданные рабы появятся в доме персонажа, который их купил, и будут работать там. К рабам могут применяться различные наручники, крепления для лодыжек и т.д., которые могут препятствовать выполнению некоторых задач, так что прежде, чем сковывать их, хорошенько подумайте.
New Pre Release Available (v3.3pr3): - Added a cooldown for autonomous obedience training between Slave Sims.
New Pre Release Available (v3.3pr4): - Updated the Slave situation to be much more reliably kept running on Slave Sims. - Slaves at or above level 5 will no longer be autonomously trained in obedience by other slaves. - Updated the enslave interaction to be a fight animation instead. v3.2: - Fixed an error that would occur when a Skill was not available in the game for a Buyer Skill Preference - Fixed an issue with the Force Enslave interaction not properly adding the Sim to the Slavery Context, thus not registering them as a "real" slave. - Removed all references to the Ownable Components, it was a little too buggy and was likely causing other issues. - Fixed a few issues when summoning Slaves to the active lot, where the Slaves were not properly being summoned for NPCs that owned slaves that were on their home lot. - Fixed an issue with your Sims Slaves despawning after travelling somewhere with them. - Reworked bindings so that they don't modify the outfit directly, but apply via a Buff, so when your Sim changes outfits, their bindings automatically update. - After enslaving a Sim while off the home lot, the enslaved Sim will no longer instantly despawn. - Prevented the SS Traits and Buffs from being removable via S4CM (They will appear disabled instead) - Fixed a couple issues with Sims not properly being transferred to other Sims. - The Sim Snatcher Main trait should now be added when Sims age into Teen, Adult, Young Adult, and Elder - Added debug interactions to transfer slaves between Sims and to release slaves of NPC Sims. - Fixed an issue when removing scheduled tasks - Fixed an issue when releasing a Slave, where the Slavery Instance would be stopped. - Fixed issues with allowances not saving - Allowances now save using their name instead of their value. This makes it easier to look in the data and determine which allowances are allowed for the Sim to perform. - Fixed a few issues when checking if a Sim is allowed to perform an interaction, taking into account their current restraints. - When Sims die, they will be released from slavery. Their scheduled tasks should be cleared as well. - The Show Scheduled Tasks interaction can now be used on Sims that own Slaves, it will let you view scheduled tasks for any of their owned Slaves. - When a master Sim dies, their slaves will now be transferred to another household member or released if no other household members could be found. - Added Mark Slaves For Sale and Unmark Slaves For Sale interactions when clicking on Master Sims. - Made the Schedule Task interaction much less annoying to trigger, Sims will no longer do the "I can't get there" animation. - Slaves will no longer leave the lot on their own anymore. (Unless I missed a leave lot interaction, which is possible!) - Sim Snatcher now requires at least version 1.75 of S4CL
v3.1: - Fences and other door types may not be locked for Slaves. - Reattach the Configure Bindings interaction to Slaves. - Fixed an issue when deleting Scheduled Slave Tasks - Fixed an error that could occur when a Master Sim has a slave in their list that no longer exists.
v3.0: - Changed Slavery to be more streamlined, Slaves will be doing more actions/tasks and less standing around. - Slaves will properly care for their own needs. Energy, Hygiene, Hunger, and Bladder - Slavery no longer requires the DLC with Butlers in it to function properly. - Tasks may be toggled per Slave for Gardening, Cleaning, and Repair. Click on Slave -> Slavery -> Management -> Toggle Tasks - If a Slave is doing a task already, other Slave Tasks will not be queued up so as not to clutter their interaction queue. - Added the ability to assign slaves to Single Beds and either side of Double Beds - Swapped how the hunger task is satisfied, Slaves will search for available food (Right now that includes spoiled food), if not found, they will grab leftovers. If not found, they will look for unprepare food left out. If not found, they will start cooking new food. - Changed how tasks work a little bit, the satisfy motive tasks now run every 3 seconds (Though they have checks to see if their motives even need to be met) and the Servant Tasks (Gardening, Cleaning, Repair) will be run every 20 or so seconds. This is the ensure Slaves take care of their needs when they need to more often, but also aren't bogged down by Servant Tasks. - If a household does not own a Slave, they will no longer be able to perform management interactions on that Slave. - Added the ability to view the inventory of your Slaves. (Click on Slave Sim -> Sim Snatcher -> Open Inventory) - At the time the Slave is enslaved, anything in their inventory will now belong to the household of the Master Sim. - You may now ask a Slave who their Master is - You may now ask Sim who owns Slaves (i.e. a Master Sim) what the names of their Slaves are. - Added the ability to Lock Doors for Slaves. - Slave Obedience: - Slave Discipline: - If a slave refuses to obey an order, you should discipline them via Click on Slave Sim -> SS -> Discipline Recent Behavior -> Yell At For Not Obeying Order. - All Slaves will starts at Zero Obedience level when intitially enslaved. - Levels (Petty, Lesser, Common, Greater, and Grand): - Slave owners can train their Slaves in Obedience autonomously. - Slaves can train other Slaves in Obedience autonomously - Petty Slave (Obedience Levels 0-2): - Will use Mean and Mischief interactions quite often - Will be worth little to no money when trying to sell them to Buyers - There is a low to zero chance for a Buyer to buy them. - Petty Slaves won't listen to their master at all or rarely. - Lesser Slave (Obedience Levels 3-4): - They will still use Mean and Mischief interactions but not as often. - Will be worth more than Petty slaves but still not the full price of a Common Slave. - Buyers will be less inclined to buy these Slaves over Common Slaves. - They will autonomously perform various Jobs around the house depending on what Tasks you allow them. (i.e. Gardening, Repair, Cleaning) - Common Slave (Obedience Levels 5-6): - They will obey all orders given to them. - They will no longer do Mean interactions autonomously. - They will still perform Mischief interactions, but not as often. - Can open their inventory and take things from it or put things into it. - Will be worth their full price and Buyers will have no problem buying these Slaves. - They will autonomously perform various Jobs around the house depending on what Tasks you allow them. (i.e. Gardening, Repair, Cleaning) - Greater Slave (Obedience Levels 7-9): - They will no longer do Mischief interactions autonomously. - They are worth a higher value than full price and Buyers will be more inclined to buy them from you. - They can be ordered to amuse guests (Play instruments, Make drinks, Tell Jokes, etc.) - Can open their inventory and take things from it or put things into it. - If a Sim is being mean to their Master Sim, these Slaves will attempt to defend their master by getting into a fight with the Sim who was mean to their Master. - They will autonomously perform various Jobs around the house depending on what Tasks you allow them. (i.e. Gardening, Repair, Cleaning) - Grand Slave (Obedience Level 10): - These Slaves are worth double the amount of Simoleons. - Buyers are extremely likely to buy these Slaves. - They can be ordered to amuse guests (Play instruments, Make drinks, Tell Jokes, etc.) - Can open their inventory and take things from it or put things into it. - They will autonomously attempt to Mentor Sims around them. - They will autonomously discipline Slaves that are being disobedient. - If a Sim is being mean to their Master Sim, these Slaves will attempt to defend their master by getting into a fight with the Sim who was mean to their Master. - They will autonomously perform various Jobs around the house depending on what Tasks you allow them. (i.e. Gardening, Repair, Cleaning, Train Other Slaves In Obedience) - Task Scheduling - You may schedule a Slave to perform a task on a daily basis by clicking on an Object -> Sim Snatcher -> Schedule Slave Task - You may view scheduled tasks of a Slave by Click on Slave Sim -> Sim Snatcher -> View Scheduled Tasks. - The scheduled tasks will only work with the objects they were scheduled to use, if the scheduled object is deleted (moving it to another spot is fine), they will be unable to perform the scheduled task. - Slave Auction - Added the ability to Mark slaves as being for sell as well as asking NPCs if they would like to buy a slave. - Buyer Profiles - Every Sim is randomly assigned a Buyer Profile and will keep that profile until they despawn/leave the neighborhood. - Each Buyer is looking for specific types of Sims, this includes Slaves with particular Skills, Slave Age, Slave Gender, Seller Skills, Desirable Traits of Slave, and Undesirable Traits of Slave. - If any of their criteria is not met, their chance to buy the Slave will be decreased. For example, if the Buyer is looking for skill level 5 and the Slave is at 2.5, there is a 50% decrease chance to buy for that criteria. - If the Slave is above any of their criteria, there is a bonus chance of the Buyer buying the Slave. For example, if the Buyer is looking for skill level 3 and the Slave is at 5, there is a 20% increase chance to buy for that criteria. - The price that buyers are willing to pay is based on their preferences as well as various aspects of the Slave such as Gender, Traits, and Age. - To view the Buyer Profile of a Sim: Click on Sim -> Sim Snatcher -> Slavery -> View Buyer Profile - Your Sim must have slaves (their own slaves) marked for sale for it to be available! - In this view you may Test the Buyer Profile on one of your Slaves to see the chance the targeted Sim will buy your chosen Slave as well as the price they will pay. - Removed Abduction entirely, since it was fairly pointless. The concept may be added back in later, but for now the focus of Sim Snatcher will be about Slavery. - Reenslave your current Slaves with this update! - Removed the Open Settings interaction to use MSM entirely. - Sim Snatcher now requires at least version 1.68 of S4CL - Sim Snatcher now requires Mod Settings Menu.
v2.10: - Split the persisted data, Sim Data and Settings are now separated. - Changed the settings so that they are saved Globally rather than per save. - Added interactions that allow you to specify where your Captured Sims spawn when the zone loads. It can be set per captured Sim. - Renamed the package and script files to simsnatcher.package and simsnatcher.ts4script, make sure you delete the older files! - SimSnatcher now requires at least version 1.61 of S4CL!
v2.9: - You may now choose interactions in the Perform Interaction dialog that are generated on things such as Resume Cooking and Eat.
v2.8: - Added Bind Sim and Unbind Sim interactions - Disabled the Bound interaction from being available for Sims not enabled for Sim Snatcher - Bind Sim binds the Target Sim instead of the Source Sim now
v2.7: - The Bound interaction now only appears when clicking on Sims instead of appearing everywhere
v2.6: - Bindings - Add the ability to add custom Bindings to Sim Snatcher - Added a Bound interaction to play a specific "bound in chair" animation (Will be expanded upon in the future) - Sim Snatcher interactions may now be performed within the Perform Interaction dialog - Replaced the Attach/Remove bindings interactions with a Configure Bindings interaction. - Bindings can prevent Sims from doing certain things. - Objects in use will now allow Sim Snatcher interactions to be performed on them. - Added the ability to equip specific bindings - The allowances dialog now reopens to the same page after selecting an option. - SS now requires at least version 1.40 of S4CL
v2.5: - Added debug interactions to Summon Captives and Slaves - Changed how SS saves it's settings, old captives and slaves will no longer work with this new system! - SHIFT+CLICK -> Sim Snatcher -> Slavery -> Force Enslave or SHIFT+CLICK -> Sim Snatcher -> Abduction -> Force Abduct to get them on the new system - Added allowance flags that'll let you customize what a Slave/Captive can or cannot do. - It isn't foolproof yet! Not all interactions supply the proper appropriateness tags that are checked. - These may be configured via CLICK on Sim -> Sim Snatcher -> Configure Allowances. - They may also be configured within the Sim Snatcher settings if the settings were opened after clicking on a Sim that is either a Captive or Slave. - Slaves may now only have a single Master - Captives may now only have a single Captor - Added Attach/Detach bindings for the Bindings feature later on (They do nothing right now) - Slave titles now show the current Role they are performing. (Gardener, Repair, Nanny, etc.) - I want to eliminate Slaves autonomously cooking completely, so if a Slave Sim starts cooking, hover over them and tell me what Role appears in their Title! - Added an Off Lot role for Slaves when Slaves are brought to a house that isn't owned by their Master. - It has the same functionality as the Idle role. (Will change in the future to prevent Slaves acting like they own the place. - Added Settings for changing the Success Chance of Abduction and Enslavement Attempts - Added a Setting for attempt to enslave to always succeed
v2.4: - Moved the Order To Cook interaction to the Fridge - Removed the Cook Meal, Cook Family Meal, and Cook Party Meal slave orders - Fixed the rest of the Order To interactions. (Play Piano/Violin/Guitar, Perform Stand up, Burn up the Dance floor, Use DJ Booth) - Added better fail messages when a Slave is unable to complete an order. - Added a check to prevent an error when attempting to Summon Sims and no Master Sims exist. - Slave Sims should cook less - Sim Snatcher now requires at least version 1.38 of S4CL.!
v2.3: - Fixed the Go To Sleep order for slaves. - Fix an issue when summoning Slaves and Captives because the code was comparing a zone id with a lot id when it should have been between two zone ids. - Updated the dance floor dance interaction, the Slaves still won't dance, but they'll at least go to the dance floor. - Added bar interactions for Slaves to make drinks
v2.2: - Fixed missing text for people without DLC 9. (This does not fix broken interactions for those without the DLC) - Some order interactions do not function, such as playing instruments, dancing on the dance floor, ordering to sleep, and make bar drinks. These will be functional in future updates.
v2.1: - Fixed missing string tables.
v2.0: - Changed how abduction buffs and situations are handled. They are now handled via traits rather than direct buffs. - Hostage has been changed to Captive in many places (I've probably missed a few) - Updated the Sim Snatcher Settings to split Abduction, Slavery, and Global settings. - Abduction Attempt interactions are no longer considered Mean interactions. - In order for the new changes to properly take effect, Sims must either be Released and Reabducted or you must use the debug "Force Abduct" interaction using the Sim that has Captured them. - Sims may now be enslaved. - Sims that are enslaved now show "Slave" above their names when you hover over them. Slave Sims are basically butlers, they can do most everything butlers can. All Slave interactions can be found under the Slave pie menu when clicking on them. They can be allowed or disallowed from Cleaning, Repairing, Gardening, and Child Care. You can order Slaves to cook different sized meals, Single, Medium (Family), and Large (Party). To enslave a Sim, they must first be Abducted. - New debug interactions for Forcing Abduction and Forcing Enslave
Чтобы взаимодействия SHIFT + CLICK работали, вам нужно включить код разработчика. Для этого откройте консоль CTRL + SHIFT + C и введите "testingcheats on" Как открыть настройки Sim Snatcher: Нажмите на персонажа и выполните эти действия -> Sim Snatcher -> Настройки Sim Snatcher Теперь вы должны быть в настройках Sim Snatcher Настройки похищения Включить взаимодействия с похищением (По умолчанию включено) Включить эту настройку: Открыть настройки похищения (см. выше) -> Включить взаимодействия с похищением Примечание: автор рекомендует похищать персонажей на вашем домашнем участке, иначе они застрянут на том участке, на котором их похитили! Читы: Как открыть читы в настройках похищения: Открыть настройки похищения (см. выше) -> Читы Всегда добиваться успеха при попытке похитить персонажа Включить эту настройку: Открыть читы в настройках похищения (см. выше) -> Похищение всегда успешно Показывать отладочные взаимодействия (если возникает какая-то ошибка с некоторыми отладочными взаимодействиями, не сохраняйте игру!) Включить эту настройку: Открыть читы в настройках похищения (см. выше) -> Показывать отладочные взаимодействия в диалоговом окне "Выполнить взаимодействие"
SimSnatcher (SS) by ColonolNutty 3.3pr3 (19.07.2022)
Перевод от Origamika для 3.2 скачать внизу (гугл диск)