Мод добавляет в игре Sims 4 систему религий. После прочтения книги в режиме покупки, сим может присоединиться к одной из религий, всего их 4. Rambunctious Religions MOD 1.1 for Sims 4 (15.06.2022)
Перевод от barbie_hunter скачать по ссылке 2 внизу.
Прочитав священную книгу, которую можно найти в режиме покупки, ваш персонаж сможет присоединиться к одной из четырёх религий: - Культ Проглотис Людоедии; - Служители Смотрящего; - Последователи оккультизма; - Конгрегация атеистов. Обновление 1.0: C этим обновлением ваши персонажи смогут посещать религиозные мероприятия, пройти обряд инициации, получать больше заданий во время работы проповедником, изучать навык религии, а вы получите возможность рандомно и автоматически назначать религии вашим персонажам. Так же этот мод добавляет в игру: - Новые общие для всех религизоных персонажей взаимодействия и мудлеты; - Уникальные новые взаимодействия и мудлеты для представителя каждой из религий и персонажей, находящихся в непосредственной близости от них; - Уникальные новые социальные взаимодействия между представителями различных религий; - Два новых объекта для режима покупки - священную книгу и микрофон проповедника; - Новые типы лотов - места поклонения определенной вере; - Новое социальное мероприятие - "Религиозное собрание"; - Новую карьеру - "Проповедник". Кроме того, к моду можно скачать аддон, позволяющий вашим персонажам после оплакивания таинственной урны получить экстрасенсорные способности: PsychicSims v0.9 Mod.zip - Уникальные новые социальные взаимодействия с другими персонажами; - Возможность управлять эмоциями других персонажей, в том числе похищать их или исправлять; - Возможность делать зловещие либо радостные предсказания; - Новый объект для режима покупки - таинственная урна. Преимущества и взаимодействия каждой Симрелигии Примечание: почти все мудлеты длятся 4 часа (за исключением тех, которые длятся всю продолжительность взаимодействия / определенное время суток, см. описания ниже).
- +2 Happy moodlet when performing scientific and logic activities; - +3 Bored moodlet when performing wellness activities or dancing. - +2 Confident moodlet when trying to disprove others' faith (for the rudest members of the Congregation out there....) - 50% faster skill increase in Rocket Science, Logic and Robotics - Social need decreases 40% slower - 50% better career performance for Detective, Scientist and Astronaut. - Exclusive social interactions (availability differs depending on who the listener is, see screenshots): Praise Mighty Science, Explain the Beauty of Mathematics (grants logic skill to the listener), Criticize Lack of Rational Thought, Wonder about the Endless Universe (grants +2 inspired to speaker, and to listener if member of same faith), Discuss Scientific Theories (+2 energized for speaker, and listener if same faith), Try to Disprove Faith with Science (+2 angry moodlet has 70% chance of being given to listener, speaker gets a +1 confident).
- +2 Happy moodlet when gardening or doing wellness activities - +3 Bored moodlet when using technology - + 3 Happy moodlet after doing Cowplant activities - 50% faster skill gain in gardening, herbalism, and wellness - Need for Energy decreases 40% slower. - 50% better career performance in Gardener, Diver and Conservationist - Exclusive social interactions (availability differs depending on who the listener is, see screenshots): Enthuse about Cowplants, Praise Mother Nature, Praise Vegan Lifestyle, Encourage to Recycle (+2 confident for speaker), Criticize for Wastefulness (same, may also add +2 embarrassed for listener - 70% chances).
- +2 Tense moodlet in the presence of Occult sims - +2 Happy moodlet after giving blessings - +2 Happy moodlet when engaging in any creative activity - 50% faster skill gain in piano, parenting and singing. - Need for fun decreases 40% slower - Better career performance for Law, Politics (activist) and Doctor. - Exclusive social interactions (availability differs depending on who the listener is, see screenshots): Admire for Good Behavior, Criticize for Unbefitting Behavior, Praise the Watcher, Warn Against What Angers the Watcher (may grant either a +2 happy or +2 angry to listener, grants a +2 happy to speaker), Give Friendly Blessings (same).
- + 2 Confident moodlet around midnight - + 1 Uncomfortable moodlet around midday - +2 Happy moodlet when in the presence of Occult sims - 50% skill increase in Charisma, Mischief, Vampiric Knowledge, and the Pipe Organ. - All needs of Human Sims decrease 40% slower (except bladder, ignoring you need to pee is much harder than not feeling sleepy haha) as these Sims are more remote from the normal and physical realm. - 50% improved career performance for Actor, Secret Agent and Criminal - Exclusive social interactions (availability differs depending on who the listener is, see screenshots): Praise Occult Powers (grants +2 confident to listener), Admire the Night, Share Secret Occult Knowledge (grants +2 happy to listener), Bemoan not Being Occult/Human, Criticize for Vilifying Occults (may grant a +2 embarassed to listeners, 70% chances).
The Holy Book - Universal to all religions. Yes, it just magically knows what to write in itself depending on your Sim's faith More seriously, it makes more sense in terms of efficiency to have only one book.
Uses: Allows Sims to discover SimReligion
- Grants religious Sims a happy moodlet upon reading.
Props: The official podiums
Just grab a podium, put it in your church, and use the "give speech" action in church. This counts towards career and social event goals. Soon, the official game podiums have the option of "Give sermon" under "give speech" if the active Sim is a member of a faith. I have it done but it has a bug where half the time, the action is infinite (Sims never stop giving the sermon), so it needs tweaking. For now, just use the "give speech" interaction. If you have City Living, you have this.
Props: The Sermonator microphone
This is for players who don't have City Living ONLY. This is a very imperfect substitution for the "give sermon" podium interaction (the podium comes with City Living). This microphone will allow Sims to give sermons. Unfortunately, because of the complexities of the microphone, and despite having spent days on trying to perfect it, I had to keep the comedy moodlets for listeners (removing or substituting them always caused bugs no matter how I went about it). So your Sim will give a sermon and whomever is listening will react like they heard a comedy routine. If you have City Living, use the podiums instead. Otherwise, use this but be aware of its current caveats. It will count towards social event and career goals either way.